The show started with a bang. It opened with a rock guitarist cat and two backup dancing cats. Well, it would have, if I were the organizer and had something to do about it. :)
The rock star........
Now that I got my theatrics out of the way, here're some highlights of the show. First, this gentleman below has one of the biggest cat, if not the biggest, in the competition. The owner said it weighs 10 kg. It is very furry, alert and playful. It is also one of the most popular cats with the spectators. Unfortunately, the judge did not like the cat for some reason.This is the only sphinx cat present at the show. What a lovely cat. I think the organizers must have sympathized with its nakedness and made sure the hall is not too cold for the comfort of the sphinx.
The two lovely maine coons belonging to Jimmy.
But I digress. Back to this cat. The poor creature was disqualified by the judge because it was not as sociable as the others. It made the mistake of growling at the judge. But, despite its distemper, it's still one of my favourites.