Monday 1 November 2010

How To Drive Customers Away From Your Shop

This post is dedicated to all the shops and sales people that have mastered the art of chasing away potential customers.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experienced this. I walked into a boutique (or any shop for that matter) and before I had a chance to swivel my head left and right to see what the store has to offer, a sales assistant stepped up to me. "What are you looking for?", "You want to buy clothes?" are just some of the varied questions that assaulted me. It's a boutique, so what did they think I was looking for? Salted fish?? Coffin??

And the one that would surely win an award if I'm in a mind to give one is this: "Found anything?" This is asked before I had even had a chance to see what merchandise the store has!! How could I find anything if I haven't even had a look??!! Excuse me, I had just stepped into your store right this moment and you saw it.

If I was in a good mood, I'd say yes, and hurried down the aisle, taking only a cursory glance so I could get out quickly as politely as I could. If I happened to be in a grumpy mood, I'd say "No, I'm looking for salted fish" and walked out.

I really wish those sales assistants would leave me alone. Perhaps I'll then buy from them. To those who stood at a discreet distance and offered useful information when I asked, kudos to you. You are what a good sales person should be, discreet and informative.