Saturday, 20 September 2008

Not So Happy...

How am I feeling today? A bit blue, moody, restless and yeah, generally, not too happy. Yes, I know, I've already made my feelings clear on my Happy Meter on the right. 

I bet some of you must be wondering why on earth would I put up a Happy Meter to measure my happy or unhappy state like a temperature reader? Well, that just goes to show how bored and restless I am. 

I don't even understand myself, why I'm feeling so moody....maybe it has to do with my lack of sleep. Insomniac has struck again, and the most number of hours I slept was --- three and a half hours, and that was last night.

I think I've gotta cut back on the caffeine in the day. It's making me like this.....
Even my cat Blackie ran away from me this morning when I emerged from my bedroom looking like this.