Thursday 17 December 2009

World Band Marching Competition It Is Not!

Eagerly anticipating the day of the Opening Ceremony of the World Band Marching Competition 2009, I was disappointed when hubby was caught in a massive traffic jam yesterday despite him taking the longer route, the most expensive tolled highway. The street parade was supposed to start at 8:30pm, and he didn't get home until well after 9pm.

But, as the saying goes, there is a silver lining in every cloud. Am I glad we didn't manage to make it to the event. For it is NOT a World Band Marching Competition. It is NOT even Asean Band Marching Competition. Out of the 13 teams, 7 teams are from Malaysia, with Thailand entering 2 teams. And I can guess who will be the World Band Champion....Bolehland (Malaysia lah).....!!!!!!! *clap! clap!*