Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Hotlink Parties with Hitz FM

Last Friday night, our friend Daniel Lee invited hubby and I to The Mist Club @ Bangsar. What he omitted to mention was that it was a Hotlink and Hitz FM party. The result of the oversight was, I left home without my camera. Not only that, as it was a rainy night, I was dressed more for the anticipated chill of the club rather than for a party (I could still remember how cold the club was the last time I was there).

Despite the rain and lack of publicity (in my opinion), a decent crowd turned up for the event. It started at 8pm, but since we had thought that we were just going to the club for a drink with Daniel, we only arrived close to nine, in time to catch Elvira before others like, Rachel Henry, Elvira, Point Blanc, James Baum, Kraft and others came on stage.

The highlight of the event, and also the closing act, is none other than our very own home-grown Reshmonu. The guy really knows how to work the crowd. He got even the wall-flowers shaking and moving.

The photos below were taken from Daniel's Blackberry phone. If you find the quality less than pleasing, please call him personally to lodge your complaint. :)

Reshmonu was the last to perform. He was amazing.


We had our picture taken with Reshmonu....he was next to us at the 'Very Idle People' lounge while waiting for his turn to perform! :)

Elvira in one of the earlier performances

Rachel Henry

Point Blanc

Now, what was that DJ going on and on about each time he came onto the stage? Hmm.....something about 300 sms for the price of RM1 from Hotlink or something like that....please check with Hotlink for details. :)