Nothing really. Except that last Sunday we needed to get a pair of outdoors shoes with a good grip.And 1-Utama has it.
Hubby's employer, for some reason, likes to put his staff through some tough survival activities in his jungle resorts once every few months.
On the last trip in Belum, hubby slipped and nearly fell to his death. It was pitch dark, and they had to go into the jungle without any lights so as not to disturb nature. He couldn't see where the land slips down and with his existing shoes being worn out, he couldn't get a good grip on the earth bed when the land "disappeared".
Since he has to go to Bukit Merah (again!) tomorrow, for a 3 days 2 nights trip, we decided it's better for him to buy a new pair of shoes.

Hubby's new shoes

A good grip. We tested it at the shop.

Chinese New Year deco at 1-Utama

Sitting around a fire in a shopping mall? (zoomed in view)

No, it was just a red silk cloth (zoomed out view)

By the way, I bought Blackie the CAT this collar & leash at Pet Safari, Ikano 2 weeks ago for Chinese new year - it's good to wear red for the new year, even for cats. :)